It’s been a hugely busy 8 weeks since we started Foundation for Change. Liz and I have been out and about connecting with local services in Hackney and other boroughs, attended service providers’ meetings to raise awareness of our existence, been interviewed by London Drug Alcohol Network for their forthcoming bulletin, and lots more. I’m happy to say we also managed to squeeze in a short and much needed break in Portugal in between.

We’ve also been writing lots of funding applications which has been a fascinating process in itself as a huge part of that has involved researching the treatment landscape to look at what provision there is for a course like Psychology for Change (PfC). More to come on that in a future post but suffice to say that very little exists like it.

We’re really pleased to have a new PfC group, our first as "FfC", starting on the 8th July with trainees coming from Wandsworth, Islington, Hackney, and Southwark. We’re also excited about our fundraising event planned for this Saturday evening that includes live music from a graduate of PfC that completed in April 2014 and a charity auction selling a load of really quite impressive items. I’ve actually been quite overwhelmed at the level of generosity and kindness of people that want to get involved and support us in any way they can.

Finally, as much as Liz and I are used to spinning several hundred plates at once, we’ve been massively helped over the last few months by Nicholas Timms, who completed PfC in April 2014 and is carrying out his 6 month volunteer placement with us. There will definitely not be any twiddling of thumbs on this placement…
