Bob Bharij and Liz Naylor have worked on the NEXT Project since it started in 2005.

Working under the charity Addaction for ten years before setting up Foundation for Change, Bob and Liz slowly developed the project from being a foundation course training people in recovery to become substance misuse workers, to being the intensive and profoundly life-changing course in psychological theory it is today. 

People who studied with us on the NEXT Project had a strong and, often, emotional connection to the name. 

In the days before Twitter, when there was time and enough 'characters' to explain, it was easy to understand it as a course that helped people who were coming to the end of their treatment and thinking, "What's next?". 

Everyone else wondered what the hell it could possibly be an acronym for...

So we decided to change the name, making it something that explained in a millisecond exactly what the course encapsulates. It is now called Psychology for Change