Self-esteem is the term used to describe a person’s sense of self-worth and value. Poor self-esteem can negatively impact all areas of our lives from making the right decisions for ourselves to being able to identify and express our own needs. Our self-esteem determines how we act and behave in relationships and actually, the kinds of relationships we seek out and stay in. The topic is a huge one given how our self-esteem affects most aspects of our lives. 

In this episode, we start off by talking about the first time we encountered the word self-esteem and how our own personal relationship to it has evolved over the years. We discuss where poor-self-esteem originates and how we have each individually found ways that have helped us build up our own resilience. It's often the small, positive changes that can help us keep taking steps forwards. One thing we can all agree on is that improving our self-esteem is not a linear path, so be kind to yourself and know that some days will be better than others.

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The handout accompanying this podcast can be downloaded as a PDF here or viewed as a webpage here.