Foundation for Change is an independent, London-based charity founded in 2014. We harness the transformative power of learning to enable people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction to create better futures for themselves and others.



Through addressing the relationship between a person’s experiences of trauma and social inequality, each individual we work with begins to understand who they are in relation to not only their pasts but also their possible futures. 


We know there is much more work and change needed within our society and the systems that shape our lives, to ensure that everyone can live with dignity, whatever their background or experiences. We’re committed to doing all we can to make this a reality.

Psychology for Change

Looking back to look forwards. An intensive 8 week course in developing self-understanding.



Feminism for Change

Supporting women to reconnect to their own sense of self, power and choice as part of their ongoing recovery.



Our Impact


The number of places offered on our courses since we launched in 2014


of trainees successfully graduated from our courses in 2023


of people achieved a greater sense of what they were capable of following our courses

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